Dermatologists Are Experts at Diagnosing and Treating Skin, Hair and Nail Diseases

Montgomery Dermatologists specialize in diagnosing and treating skin, hair and nail diseases as well as cosmetic disorders. They also recognize symptoms that appear on the skin that may indicate a bigger issue inside the body like organ disease or failure.


Whether you have acne that didn’t clear up during your teen years or stubborn pimples as an adult, there are many treatments available. Dermatologists can provide recommendations based on your specific situation and needs.

Dermatologists are trained in diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions that affect the skin, hair and nails. They are often experts at recognizing and distinguishing between conditions that may appear similar, such as psoriasis and eczema. A dermatologist can treat everything from a minor skin rash to a serious disease of the skin or hair. They also are skilled at cosmetic treatments, such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion.

Acne is one of the most common reasons patients visit a dermatologist. It is a chronic condition that occurs when hair follicles in the middle layer of the skin become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to the formation of pimples (also known as zits). It usually begins during puberty, but it can continue into adulthood. Acne is more than just a nuisance; it can cause long-term scarring, if not properly treated.

A dermatologist can recommend a variety of medications to help manage acne. They can also perform medical procedures, such as draining and extraction to reduce swelling and pain from cysts that form under the skin. While these medical procedures aren’t as common as medication, they can be helpful in severe cases of acne. Dermatologists must undergo extensive training to be able to perform these techniques, which includes specialized surgical and laser training. These procedures are typically performed in the doctor’s office and don’t require a hospital stay.

When you see a dermatologist for acne, be sure to bring a list of your current medicines and any other health products you use. It is important for the doctor to know all your current medications and health products, including over-the-counter medications, vitamins, herbal supplements and even some makeup. This can help determine what is causing your acne to be more effective in treating it.

Dermatologists must also continue to hone their skills by participating in continuing education and attending conferences, seminars and symposia. This helps ensure they remain knowledgeable about the latest advancements in the field of dermatology and can offer the most up-to-date treatment options for their patients. This is a requirement for all doctors, but it is especially vital for dermatologists who specialize in cutting-edge treatments.

Dry or Itchy Skin

Dry skin is a common condition that causes itching. This can be caused by many things, including age, medications and diseases that affect the body’s ability to produce or use moisture.

Itchy skin can also be a sign of a serious illness, such as diabetes or kidney problems. A dermatologist can check itchy skin to determine the cause and recommend treatment.

In some cases, the itchy sensation may be due to an allergic reaction. In this case, a dermatologist will prescribe an antihistamine or other allergy medication to help reduce the itching. This may be a topical medicine or an oral pill. Itching can also be a side effect of certain medications, such as aspirin and some blood pressure medicines. Itching is also a common side effect of cancer treatments.

People who have dry or itchy skin can get relief by using moisturizers. They can also limit how often they shower or bathe and make sure to use a mild cleanser. They can also use a humidifier and avoid harsh soaps, which can dry out the skin. They should not scratch the itchy area, as this can make it worse and lead to cracking or bleeding.

A dermatologist can diagnose itchy skin by examining the skin and asking questions about the patient’s health history, diet and lifestyle. They may also recommend a blood test or skin biopsy to look for an underlying disease.

Some medications, such as antidepressants and blood thinners, can also cause itchy skin. The itchiness may also be a sign of liver or kidney problems, such as intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy or cirrhosis.

Besides using moisturizers, dermatologists can also prescribe ointments and creams that contain ingredients to lock in moisture, such as glycerin, shea butter or urea. They can also prescribe steroid creams, which can decrease the swelling and inflammation that can cause itching. Other treatment options include acupuncture, which can relieve pain and itching; light therapy, which uses ultraviolet light to treat the condition; and dietary changes. They can also refer the patient to a primary care provider or a skin specialist.

Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common concern for many people and can be caused by genetic factors, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, skin problems, hormonal changes or conditions such as autoimmune diseases (like alopecia areata and lichen planopilaris) and certain cancer treatments. If you are experiencing hair loss, your dermatologist can help find a treatment that works for you.

Hair thinning or baldness is also a common issue that can be treated with medications or procedures, including laser therapy and hair transplantation. If your hair loss is caused by an autoimmune disease, like alopecia areata or folliculitis decalvans, dermatologists can offer you medication to suppress your immune system so that your hair follicles can grow again.

Oftentimes, when a person is suffering from hair loss, it’s because their scalp is irritated and not allowing the hair to grow. This is an inflammation of the hair follicles and can be treated with medications, such as minoxidil. A topical solution or injection of this medication can stimulate your hair follicles to grow and stop your hair from falling out.

A dermatologist can treat nail issues such as fungal infections, discoloration or separation of the nails. They can also examine your nails for signs of other health conditions, like liver disease, heart diseases or anemia.

Dermatologists can also perform cosmetic procedures, such as removing warts and other benign lesions with liquid nitrogen or performing a procedure called dermabrasion. This can reduce scar tissue, tattoos and fine wrinkles and remove precancerous areas of the skin.

When you make an appointment with your dermatologist, be sure to bring any information or documents related to your condition. You should also bring a list of all medications you are taking, including over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements and herbal remedies, as well as a list of known allergies. You should also bring a friend or family member with you to take notes and be another set of eyes for you during your appointment. This will help you remember what your dermatologist says and allow someone to ask questions if needed. Having this information ready can also help your dermatologist make the most accurate diagnosis possible.


As the largest organ, your skin does a lot: It protects you from germs; repels water; covers blood vessels, nerves and other organs; and sends messages about how healthy you are inside. So it’s not surprising that if you have a problem with your skin, hair or nails, you may need help from an expert—and that’s where dermatologists come in.

Dermatologists are medical doctors who specialize in the skin, nails, hair and mucosal areas of the mouth and genitals. They treat diseases and conditions that affect these areas of the body, as well as perform cosmetic procedures. They are trained to recognize and treat a wide variety of conditions, from rashes and acne to warts and skin cancer.

During your appointment, you’ll likely need to change into a gown so that your doctor can examine your skin and other parts of the body closely. They will also photograph blemishes, moles and other growths for your medical chart to use in future appointments. Your dermatologist might also perform different types of skin biopsies to check for cancer or other conditions. They can also perform laser treatments, removing things like vascular lesions, fibromas, warts, skin tags and precancerous or abnormal moles. They might also use a technique called cryotherapy, in which your skin is exposed to extremely cold temperatures to kill cells that cause these conditions.

While your scars are unlikely to disappear completely, treatment can reduce their appearance and symptoms such as itching and pain. Some treatments can even make pitted scars, which are sometimes called ice-pick scars, less noticeable.

A scar may be caused by an injury, surgery or burns. Some scars form when your body tries to heal itself by creating tissue over the area. The type of scar you have can influence how well your skin adapts to the new tissue.