How Teeth Whitening Can Make You Look More Attractive

Teeth Whitening Las Vegas is an easy and safe cosmetic procedure to help you look more attractive.

Many over-the-counter and in-office bleaching products use peroxide (hydrogen or carbamide) to oxidize chromogens and make your teeth lighter.

Teeth Whitening

Your dentist will apply either a gel or a rubber shield to protect your gums and then use a high-intensity light to activate the whitening product.

The color of your teeth can say a lot about you, and many people are dissatisfied with the shade of their smile. Tooth discoloration can be caused by diet, lifestyle and even certain hereditary dental conditions like dentinogenesis imperfecta. The shade of your teeth can also reveal underlying issues that require immediate attention, and it’s important to talk to your dentist if you’re concerned about the color of your teeth.

The natural color of your teeth is a result of genetics and the thickness of your tooth enamel. Depending on these factors, your teeth may be yellowish, brownish or grayish in hue. The color of your teeth is a part of what makes them beautiful, and it’s common to desire brighter, whiter teeth.

Tooth whitening procedures can be effective in improving the appearance of your teeth by eliminating surface-level discoloration. If your teeth are stained due to food, beverages, or bad oral hygiene habits, these stains can be removed with a simple whitening procedure. If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, your dentist can recommend treatments such as veneers or crowns that mask the stains.

There are four basic shades of teeth: A1, A2, B1 and B2. The earliest shade (A1) is the lightest, while the newest shade (B2) is the darkest. The color of your teeth can change over time as the outer layer of enamel wears away, allowing the underlying yellowish dentin to show through.

If you’re interested in whitening your teeth, the first step is to visit your dentist for a cleaning and exam. If you have a lot of plaque buildup or cavities, these will need to be addressed before your teeth can be whitened.

Your dentist will take a digital picture of your teeth and compare it to the color charts. They’ll determine if your current tooth shade is a good candidate for whitening and help you choose a shade that will look best with your skin tone. It’s a good idea to avoid wearing any makeup or bright clothing during this appointment. These items can distract the technician and distort the color of your teeth.

Stains occur when the color of a tooth changes due to food, beverages or other substances. There are three basic types of staining: extrinsic, intrinsic and age-related.

Extrinsic stains affect the enamel, which is the shiny outer layer of your teeth. These stains are caused by consuming food and drinks that contain dark pigments such as coffee, tea, red wine and berries. These stains can be removed by regular teeth whitening and a good oral hygiene routine.

Intrinsic stains occur beneath the surface of your enamel, which means that they’re a lot harder to remove. They can be caused by medications that you take, especially if they’re taken during childhood or pregnancy such as tetracycline, which can permanently stain developing teeth. Intrinsic stains can also be the result of injury to your mouth or gums.

Although age-related stains are unavoidable, there are many ways that you can prevent them from taking hold, such as regular whitening treatments and a good oral hygiene routine with twice daily brushing and flossing and six-month visits to your dentist. The most common type of age-related stain is yellowing of the teeth, and it can be reversed with a tooth whitening procedure.

While everyone gets stains to some degree, genetics and habits can play a big part in how much your smile will stain. If you want your teeth to look their best, it’s important to talk with your dentist about what is causing your stains so that they can give you professional advice on how to treat them.

There are plenty of foods and beverages that can stain your teeth, including dark-colored sauces like tomato sauce, berries, highly-pigmented vegetables such as beets and pomegranate, and soy sauce. You don’t need to cut these things out completely, but it is a good idea to limit your intake and drink through a straw when possible. Also, make sure to rinse your mouth after consuming these foods and drinks, to avoid stains from setting in. If you’re not able to control your staining habits, professional whitening is the next best step.

Whether at home or in the dental office, bleaching treatments generally involve applying a hydrogen peroxide gel that releases oxygen to break apart stain compounds. Some professional whitening systems also include light activation, like LED, UV or halogen, which is designed to accelerate the oxidation process and boost whitening results [2].

The initial steps of a tooth-whitening procedure begin with a visual examination. The dentist will measure the current shade of the teeth with a shade guide and discuss how many shades lighter the patient hopes to get [3].

Next, the clinician will debride the tooth surface by using an ultrasonic scaler and hand tools to remove any underlying plaque or tartar. This will provide a clean surface for the whitening agent.

Once the tooth surface is prepped, the dentist will apply a small amount of a whitening product to each tooth [3]. A tooth-whitening tray custom-made by your dentist is often preferred as it will fit your mouth and limit the amount of bleaching solution that comes into contact with your gums, cheek and tongue, which can cause sensitivity. Over-the-counter whitening strips, which have a smaller strip of whitening gel and may only be used once or twice a day, are also available to patients who want milder whitening effects.

After the whitening gel is applied, a protective barrier is placed around the gum line to protect the sensitive parts of your mouth. A light is then turned on if the whitening treatment includes light activation, which has been shown to increase the effectiveness of a hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel by speeding up the oxidation reaction and breaking apart stain molecules faster than hydrogen peroxide alone.

A rinse is then performed to remove the whitening gel. A fluoride treatment is often added to the rinse to help mitigate any sensitivity that has occurred during the whitening process. Afterward, the dentist will discuss if your teeth reached the desired shade and what lifestyle habits you should adopt to keep them that way.

Staining after a whitened smile occurs primarily because of food, drinks and smoking. To keep your teeth as bright and beautiful as possible, you should avoid foods and drinks that are known to stain, brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste and visit your dentist for regular cleanings.

When whitening teeth, it is important to follow the instructions for the product used and not exceed the recommended bleaching time. Too much bleaching can lead to gum irritation and discolored teeth that are darker than the original color. Tooth sensitivity can also be a side effect, particularly with products that use hydrogen peroxide as the bleaching agent. This is not dangerous and usually goes away after the whitening treatment has ended. If you have sensitive teeth, using a sensitivity toothpaste before and after the treatment can help alleviate discomfort.

You may notice that your teeth are a little rough after having them whitened, especially if you were previously prone to tooth sensitivity. This is normal and can be caused by the bleaching agent or by a poorly fitting mouthpiece tray that allows the gel to touch the nerves inside the teeth. Using a toothpaste that is made for sensitive teeth or mouth rinses that contain fluoride can help reduce this sensation.

After a whitening procedure, it is important to avoid foods and beverages that can stain the teeth, such as coffee, red wine, or cigarette smoke. Using a sensitivity toothpaste and avoiding hot and cold drinks can also help with this issue. It is possible that your teeth will become a little darker after having them whitened, but this is due to the dehydration of the enamel and will go away once the water returns to the teeth.

If you are considering getting your teeth whitened, it is important to discuss this with a dentist. He or she can recommend the best procedure and help you understand the risks of bleaching, including sensitivity and gum irritation. It is also important to decide if you are willing to change your habits that cause discolouration, such as smoking or drinking coffee and red wine. If you are not, it would be more beneficial to have another form of lightening done, such as veneers or dental bonding.

The most common side effects associated with teeth whitening are temporary and generally disappear within a few days of the treatment ending or being stopped. These include a temporary increase in tooth sensitivity and slight irritation of the soft tissues of the mouth, particularly the gums. The latter can be a result of the gel-filled trays being worn too long, or if the product is applied to teeth that are already sensitive. These problems can be avoided by choosing a professional whitening service, ensuring that the teeth being treated are free of plaque and tartar, and using a reputable whitening product.